
Showing posts with label Cave of the Feral Catgirls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cave of the Feral Catgirls. Show all posts

1. A house without a milk bowl

No one knows when or where the horned cats that inhabit this village came from and migrated. All they could do was place a bowl of milk in front of their houses to prevent them from cursing or physically harming their households. People from other cities considered the bowl of milk placed in front of each house’s front door to be a distinctive feature of the village. 

Just as the blood of a sheep is smeared on the top of the door to avoid the death of the eldest son, so there was milk. Until twenty years ago, this small village was plundered by the guild of rascals within the lord's castle. Some of them were given the title of warrior. 

The name of the cave where the horned cats live is Milk Cave. It reminds us that they love milk and are sacred beings. The surroundings were quiet. That is, until the children from the neighboring village came here and saw something. No one set foot there because they thought it would be cursed as a sacred land. That is why people did not know about the existence of the Jeonra women that the children saw.

"Why don't we have some fun and sell some women?"

"By the way, why do you live in a place like that?"

"I think might be the cat girl of the rumor, bro."

They plan to have fun with the catgirls, very rare creatures with human-like organs and proportions among the horned cats, and then drag them out of the caves to be sold in the slave market. Some fools among this group of rascals say they will break away from the group, believing that the horned cats live together with the cat dragons. 

 "Don't be like that. This is our chance to do our part."

Among the guild members, Rostringer, who was known for being honest and loyal, was trusted regardless of age. However, despite his reputation, Rostringer was more curious about the creature called Catgirl than anyone else. A legendary woman he had only heard of through rumors. Or a creature that was more or less like Catgirl. He felt heavy inside thinking about how she would react and feel if he were put in something like that.

The sun rose and the next morning, they all gathered at the assembly point and headed to the Milk Cave where the Catgirl and the Horned Cats lived. The Horned Cats, with their small, smooth, white horns growing above their eyebrows, were wary and avoided them, but as they approached the cave, they gathered and began to walk toward it together. It was a strange sight. It was as if the cats were welcoming them. At that moment, one of the latecomers stabbed one of the Horned Cats with a knife, saying that its skin was beautiful and that he wanted to give it to his wife. Then he carried the body on his back and whistled happily as he moved. 

From this point on, the cats became wary and pounced on them. Many guild members began to have large and small cuts on their skin. However, the cats fell helplessly to the swords of the gang of thugs. The fur of the pure white horned cats began to be stained with bright red blood. 

Halfway up the lush hillside, tangled with fragrant honeysuckle vines, the limestone begins to turn a pale pink. They suddenly feel a coolness and begin to enter the cave entrance.

0. Settings


No one knows where the horned cats came from, but the Milk Cave is theirs. And so are all the villages nearby. Because they know not to leave out a bowl of minced chicken or a plate of cooked cream, lest the cats curse your marriage, your garden, or your house.

There are no longer any villages nearby. The horned cats are now visible, stealthily and forcibly taking their (and much more) from travelers along the nearby roads.

: A group of thugs who find out that naked women live there because of a group of children who followed a cat into the cave. They are probably the rumored catgirls. They have a lot of fun with the catgirls, who are said to be very rare among horned cats, and they plan to drag them out of the cave and sell them on the slave market. 

1 d6 6 -> Some fools believe that horned cats live with cat-dragons. (That's true to some extent. Even fools sometimes get close to the truth. 

: Some of the guild members were reluctant to go to the cave because they believed that the horned cats and cat dragons lived in the same cave, but the main character, Rostringer, told them to come to their senses and took the lead. He not only wanted to play with the cat girls, but also wanted to sell them to make money. He also felt pleasure and excitement at the fact that he could do whatever he wanted with the unintelligent cat girls.

Horned Cats 

- Almost as large as a bobcat, these stray cats sport small, smooth, white horns above their eyebrows and are much more cunning than your average cat. 

While they may not necessarily care about intruders in their own home, the cats will react with increasing distrust the further the computer pushes into their small cavern system. / -> The cats were on guard and pounced on them, but were outmaneuvered by the knives of the gang of thugs. The fur of the white horned cats began to be stained with bright red blood. 

Halfway up the lush hillside, tangled with fragrant honeysuckle vines, the limestone finally turns a pale pink. The player character is led into a cool, numbered cave.

[1] The Altar and Pool - a sits in front of the player character on a flat, sandy floor. The undulating ceiling rises to 6-10 inches above the head (same for the entire cave system). Behind the altar, a 3' wide tunnel opens into the floor. A nearby lounge opens nearby without a care. Everyone spends the night hanging out near the entrance. As night approaches, the catgirls will try to sneak up behind the player character, ready to pounce if they see any trouble.

1 d6 3 -> Was it the man sighing too loudly, or was it the echo distorting his voice? It's impossible to tell.

[2] Rocket Springs - Piles of spherical pink spheroids along the walls leak milky, limestone water into pale pools. Several horned cats walk back and forth, drinking silently from the pools. The cats become aggressive if you block their access to the pools. 

1 d6 1 -> Larger than average (5 Hit Points) draws attention to the PC and marks him/her prominently.

[3] Dragon Skull and Cats in the Corner - A huge, horned reptilian glimmer skull, like a polished desert stone. Seven horned cats flap around, above, and sleep within the glowing skull.

-When you get close to the skull, you will hear a wheezing and echoing growling sound. 

-If the skull touches you, they will scream and attack nearby. In any case, they will not move more than a few feet from the skull.

-Every minute, the PCs do not leave the cave, but more arrive from nearby areas and attack the PCs on their way to the skull.

-Once it exists, it all melts together with the skull and turns into something terrifying.

-If not, we will arrive and attack in a few minutes.

1 d6 5 -> After a barely perceptible tremor, a razor-thin, jagged crack grows rapidly, one yard long.

[4a] Strange Statue in a Too Blue Pool - A statue of a woman in a fetal position, mostly submerged in blue water. Her face is clearly that of a Folx, and her body shows no more obvious injuries. The statue clearly exudes powerful magic.

-> The Wizard's Ghost - She remembers her tragic story only in broad, personalized strokes. She was the last thought of her that appeared in the fossilized dreams of the white mushroom eaters in 4a. Dedicated to the echoing spell, beyond memory. She is a faded ghost that exists only in the fossilized dreams of the white mushroom eaters in 4a.

◊ Dozens (1 d4 fi 12) of white mushrooms spurt milk from the sandy soil. Eating one turns the consumer into soft limestone for 1 d3 fi 10 minutes. During this time, the consumer can learn the recipe for "Non-Digestive Night" from the ingredients. During this time, the consumer will have to travel a considerable amount.

◊ The ceiling in this area is 16 feet high and is made of rocks, rubble, and tree roots. With considerable effort, a 12-foot tunnel can be dug, hacked, and carved out of the hilltop.

◊ A narrow, waist-high hole in the eastern corner leads to a tight crawl - this already narrow tunnel is blocked halfway by a twist of jagged blades set into the wall. However, it is too tight for a man-sized Volks to fit through, but there are no obstacles.

1 d6 5 -> After a barely perceptible tremor, a razor-thin, jagged crack grows rapidly, one yard long.

[5a] Creaking Wire Ladder and Catgirl's Kitchen - The ladder is noisy, and almost certainly alerts the prepared defenses in 5b.

◊ Ashes, blackened wood, dirty clay pots, and a very narrow chimney make up their simple and little-used kitchen. The chimney is only about as wide as a cat, but leads to the top of the hill.

◊ If she hasn't encountered you yet, hide and prepare to attack. [5b] Catgirls' Sleeping Place - Covered behind two Parvis (tall, wheeled, wooden shields) marked with an X on the map. Also, if they anticipate intruders, they will grease the tunnels from 5a to 5b. The Dexterity Test continues until it fails.

◊ Six cute nests made of stolen clothes and scrap metal dot key areas.

◊ Dozens of trees and wicker balls are placed.

◊ Of course, there is also an oil can (probably empty).

◊ And finally, along the western edge, a pile of dirty blankets hides a catgirl-sized hole leading down to Room 6 below.

1 d6 1 -> Larger than average (5 Hit Points) draws attention to the PC and marks him/her prominently.

[6] Treasure Room - 16 scrap fabric nests, each containing a nice garment worth 200 silver (silk shirt & embroidered dress gown), another 100 silver worth of shiny baubles (signet ring, brooch, bracelet, etc.), and another 1d6fi10 silver coins.

◇ 1d6 of these nests are occupied by a horned cat and 7 kittens, who will whine loudly when approached.

-> Fale Catgirls - 1 in 777 horned cat larvae are born as anthropomorphic cat people instead.

Imagine a catgirl, a pale gray tabby cat, stretched out on a human skeleton. Now imagine her moving through a rough, pale pink cave, sneaking about without thinking. A sturdy crossbow hangs from her hip. She straps a small bolt to her thigh.

Now imagine her playfully swinging a wicker ball at her sleeping sister's cozy, cotton nest. Imagine the fight that follows when her sleeping sister wakes up. Imagine her bravely getting killed by the pretty knife her sleeping sister was trying to steal.

There were seven. There are now six, one of which is worn, but there are six now. Catgirls are fluent in several languages, but most speak cat. They are equally fearful and curious of civilization. Catgirls prefer to raid civilization when it seems necessary to use violence.

◇ If the mother(s) or cats are disturbed in any way, they will scream and all horned cats and wild dogs in attendance will attack. It takes 5b 30 seconds for the wild dogs to arrive through the hidden ceiling hole. After that, 1d6 horned cats will arrive every minute.

◇ Catdragons will arrive within 5 minutes, ready to destroy any non-cats they encounter. They will not stop hunting the intruders until they are dead or something.

-> Cat-Dragon - They are like giant raccoons with the head of a toothy dinosaur, all made of cats, and are mind-numbingly surreal. Their 68 legs are just for running; their fast gliding movements are non-stop. 

Once the immediate need is met (usually through a defeated threat), the dragon scurries back to Room 3, disappearing into the 17 H. Cats and an ancient dragon skull. As for how these cats acquired such shape-shifting abilities, they are not prone to divulging their secrets.

◇ The two treasure chests in the northern corner contain valuable dried fish.

1 d6 4 -> A relatively new crack in the ceiling leaks muddy water. Uneven, puddled floors require a dexterity check to cross faster than a slow walk without taking damage. If rolled more than once, treat this result as if it happened.

: A member of the guild of bad guys who kill all the catgirls and escape the cave. They feel elated at the fact that they have obtained a creature that rebelled against them to the point that they could not sell it in the slave market. When they reach 4a, they find mushrooms and pick them. They skin the horned cat outside and put the meat in a stew, and also put the mushrooms they collected in 4a in the pot. After the evening sun sets, they set up camp and eat the finished stew. 

-> The sorcerer She remembers her tragic story only in broad, personalized strokes. She was the last thought of her that appeared in the fossilized dreams of the white mushroom eaters in 4a. She was dedicated to the echoing spell, beyond the memory. She is a faded ghost who exists only in the fossilized dreams of the white mushroom eaters in 4a.

: Their bodies felt slowly hardening. -> Turning into soft limestone. During this time, the consumer can learn the recipe for "Non-Digestive Night" from the ingredients. During this time, the consumer will need to travel a considerable amount of time: The wizard who appeared in their visions was furious at their actions. The last memory they saw was that the wizard was like a mother to the catgirls ->

Centuries ago and a few dead civilizations later, two women loved each other. The achingly beautiful songs they sang across the garden wall, the electric joy of their first stolen kiss, the belated support and tender care they gave each other over the decades, all of this is not fossilized. All of it has long since been washed away in the irreversible waters of time.

But this is the agony of their ending, the sorcerer's refusal to surrender his partner to death, echoing forward. For the agony is sure to begin, as the only god is Chaos. The sorcerer turned his wife's exposed and damaged ́レシ into stone. She hoped that the mineralized wells in the area would be delicate enough to repair ́レシ's misery. In her haste, she too fell into the well, cracked her crown, and drowned...

: Seeing the memories of the wizard and her lover, the stiff bodies of the gang of thugs slowly relaxed. One of them fell to his knees as if his legs had lost their strength. There were cuts on his ankles and calves. The protagonist picked up his sword and began to look around, and the group could not hide their panic. Then, a slow cut wound appeared on the neck of another guild member of the group, and he bled profusely and died. They could not hide their shock and left the camp without cleaning up the things there. In the meantime, the protagonist, Rostlinger, was upset and regretted that the only things he had taken were eight bags of dried fish that were slightly valuable and the bloody skin of a horned cat that had just been cut open. 

: Inside the cave where the catgirls died. The few surviving horned cats drank their blood. The cat dragon fell into a long sleep to recover from her wounds. This milk cave would be quiet and peaceful for a while. Rumors about this place would be rampant in the village. The fate of the cave was obvious with the silence and the rumors spreading quickly. The wizard's spirit cried endlessly. That was her last memory. Only that image kept replaying.