
Tending log 4 ) One pilgrim steals something left behind by another pilgrim.


The visitor who came today was somehow suspicious. He kept looking around. He was a chubby young man with a hunched back. He introduced himself as a member of an internet occult club and said he was most interested in the history of Kabbalah. This place doesn’t have much to do with Kabbalah. Still, I did my best to find information for him as far as I could. I thought that the grimoire of the 90s youth actor would be the most helpful. 

I handed the young man the materials and went into the office. It was my mistake. He pretended to go into the reading room and quickly ran out to the exit. I was startled by the loud noise and went out into the hallway, but the young man was gone. This was the first time this had happened. I couldn’t hide my embarrassment because it was the first time I had experienced this since I started this job. And after turning the business card holder around three times, I was finally able to find the contact information of the actor who owned the grimoire I had stolen. 

"Please take care of it. This book has left my hands."

After hearing that answer, I became even more confused. I decided to lock the door and go to the bus terminal.

"Where are you going?"

Among his familiars, the tiger, Mong-Mong, wondered. This sound was something only he could hear. 

"I think he went to the terminal. He said he was a foreigner, so there's a high chance he went there."

Moe has a habit of responding with words when she senses the sound of her familiar. To others, she might seem like a person with a loose screw, but she is confident in her own hearing. 

"Have a nice trip"

I left the hospital with Mongmongi's farewell. I vowed not to return to the hospital until I got my stolen grimoire back. I stopped by a convenience store on the way and bought some milk tea, drinking it as I walked. One of the consolations of this rural town was that there were at least two bakeries and three convenience stores. Moe thought that at least that was what kept her alive. 

Arrived at the terminal. Sure enough, she found an intruder sitting in the air-conditioned, sealed waiting room, greedily leafing through a grimoire. Moe ran over to the place as if she was jumping up, and the door opened with a loud noise, startling the thief and making him stand up. 

Moe, who he thought would run away, was standing guard at the entrance, but contrary to expectations, the man confidently read through the book, then extended one hand toward Moe and shouted. The sound resonated through the terminal.

"Enchanted summons, respond to my words!! Those who stand before me will soon be judged by destruction, so make a contract with me in blood!"

Of course, a civilian without a spiritual sence could not enchant. And the summoning spell was wrong. Everyone in the terminal looked at him and started talking. 

"Make a contract!"

The man shouted again with a look on his face that was almost tearful. In the meantime, someone must have spoken to the bus terminal office staff. A handsome and scary-looking man came out and asked angrily what he was doing. He asked Moe, who was standing blocking the waiting room door, if she knew him, and she replied that he was the one who stole the stuff. 

Thanks to that old man, the case was settled and the grimoire was recovered. Fortunately, that was fortunate. The man was handed over to the police station on charges of public place or something, and Moe returned to the doctor’s office with the thick grimoire in her arms. On the way, she stopped by one of the two bakeries and bought her favorite egg tarts and croissants to take home. 

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