
1. Barcelona again


Before I turned 30, I visited this place again, which I had traveled to by chance in my early twenties. This time, I am planning to stay for about a week in this city that I came across by chance. The last trip was also a week, and I thought about it as I remembered that the day I left the country was my birthday. 

Last time, my aunt and my father went on a trip together. We all came together as who almost died, who straight feel death, and who wanted to die, enjoying the scenery of a foreign country and doing our daily work. 

Of course, I drank a glass of wine or champagne every day. At least then, I didn't want to die. This trip had to be different. And my mindset was already different. It was a refreshing and pleasant start. Of course, because I had saved up money, I had to sit in a lower class and my whole body ached, but it was still fun. 

I took a flight from Paris to Barcelona and was served a salty sandwich as my in-flight meal. I took a bite and stopped eating. It was time to land. The plane landed in Barcelona. I took an Uber to my Airbnb in the city center. I arrived at the hotel at 11 p.m. It was a reasonable time. I could just wash up and go to bed. I made a rough schedule for the upcoming days. It was the first time in my life that I had done such a useless thing. That’s why I wanted this week-long trip to be completely my own time. 


♦ Visit your immediate neighbors for the first time

-> The next morning, the place I was staying was a hostel and restaurant, so breakfast was ready. The menu was an omelet made with well-beaten eggs, a cup of strong Americano, and pancakes with syrup. I went to the kitchen and asked the chef if there were any cigarette vending machines around. The chef looked at me as if he was surprised and told me there was one on the back stairs of the first floor. I leisurely ate breakfast and headed to the cigarette vending machine. 

Outside the back door, there was a small garden where you could smoke. I wasn't the only one there. A large man with gray hair and a Hawaiian shirt stared at me intently. I felt a little embarrassed. Just when I was wondering if it was appropriate to keep staring at someone in front of you, he looked at me and raised one hand as if to wipe his mouth. I felt embarrassed. I tried to say thank you and leave. 

"Are you Chinese?"

"No, I'm Japanese"

I am not from either country. I just didn't want to reveal my identity to the person I met for the first time. 

"I see. I'm the owner of this building. Is this your first time in Barcelona? I have a few places I can confidently recommend." 

"Yes, this is my first time here. Can you tell me what kind of place it is?"

"The market, the museum, and the zoo! Sagrada Familia? Don't go."

I was dumbfounded by his proud expression and confident words, and for a moment I laughed brightly like a child. The middle-aged man, who seemed to like the look, introduced himself as the building’s president and introduced himself as Miguel. Mr. Miguel waved at me and gave me another cigarette from the cigarette vending machine. He then greeted me excitedly and disappeared from my sight. Something had happened since morning. I had a free cigarette in my hand. It seemed like this cigarette would bring good luck to this trip. 

I headed straight to a shop selling miscellaneous souvenirs aimed at foreign tourists nearby. I wanted to reward myself for coming all the way here. I bought [ ♥3 Small Wooden Figure Set] and [ ♣4 A Book with Stories from the Area ] and went back to my lodging. I ran into Miguel in the hallway, and he was handing out butter shrimp made by his chef husband to everyone he met. [♥2 Food made by a neighbor] I took it and went into my room to eat. After eating all the shrimp and lying comfortably on the bed, I thought to myself that I hadn’t felt this new and comfortable in almost 10 years. I’m going to lie down a little longer to enjoy this peace before wandering around the neighborhood without a destination. I guess this is how my trip began. 

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