
3. Your daily work is seen and praised by people.

This place, which seems to be peaceful, also has its own concerns. People were amazed at the identity of this place, but after a few questions, they shuddered and prepared to leave the hospital. Moe always felt like she had done something wrong, even though she was not at fault. Today is the same. While buying things at the mart, an old lady greeted her and told her honestly about where she lived and what she was doing. She talked to herself that she had talked to a strange person and then ran away. Moe was depressed. Then, he settled down again and prayed about his mindset with sincerity. While using a stray dog living in front of the mart. 

"What should I do at a time like this?"

Of course, dogs can't answer. Moe grabbed the dog's tail and put it on the ground. The stray dog turned around to bite its tail, as if to make Moe feel better. Moe felt much lighter at the sight of the dog. I took what I bought from the mart and went back on my way, thinking about how nice it would be if everyone in the world were as pure and warm as this dog. I didn't forget to give the dog sausage. 

"You're here"

Owl familer Aul greeted moe. After that, he checked the items she bought from the mart. Even though there was nothing he could eat. Meong, a cat familer, was also sitting on the window frame, but she seemed interested in things. Moe was suddenly afraid that the fact that these familer's reiki were read and knew where they existed, or that their voices were felt in their ears, was not natural to those without other spiritual senses. And I told the family members what happened at the mart today. 

"If you count them, you're a religious man. Wake up. I don't believe a religious man is being cursed at for his religion."

"I don't know if it's a weird religion."

Meong took a word and laughed. Then he continued.

"Do you think you do strange things and believe in strange things?"

"That's not true, but I can feel the gap between reality and life here, but sometimes that's the case."

"I think we should realize that we are not ordinary people, but we should abandon the idea of being special people."

"That's right"

replied the tiger family dog, who was listening quietly. 

"Everyone, break up! I'm going to sleep now. Don't disturb me. Moe, eat a late night snack and go to bed early. Don't play games all night to digest food."

As she enjoyed the snack and lay in bed, Moe remembered the things friends said today. "I think I should realize that I'm not a regular person, but I should throw away the idea of being a special person." That's probably true. As her thought, she felt my eyelids getting heavy.

The next morning, Moe woke up to the sound of an emergency bell. When I came out without time to groom, an elderly couple welcomed her with a worried look. They introduced themselves as the first-generation Wican in Korea and recently killed a snake in the field, saying it seemed to be a have in ghost of snake. He said he needed a black salt-based dust and spelling casting to remove demons. 

Moe asked about the reason she came here because she thought she would have to go to a shaman's house if it was hard, and they said, "How can I do that when I still have years of training as Wican?" Moe thought it was so grateful. She immediately went into the dispensary, made what they needed, and casted them. When I started casting bees wax first, the old couple said, "It's a relief that it's a house where people spell properly even if generations change."

Moe became confused by the gap between the praise and his worries. There is a high risk of ruining the Spell casting he was doing if he was in such a disarray. At the thought, Moe pointed out his body. 

"Well, elders, I have a question. What did you think and resolve the disparity between reality and reality as Wickan?"

The elderly couple looked surprised at Moe's words, and the wife of the couple smiled brightly and said. For her, Moe's question must have been a comfort to worry about because of the ghost.

"You're such a worried person. You just have to believe whatever you want until you don't care what others say."

"A young friend is strong and he is mentally awake. Haha, I like that you doesn't look young these days."

She was embarrassed by the words of the two people who praised him in a strong tone. Then, he delivered the products of the casting to them and advised them on precautions. The old couple left the door with a thank you message, and only then Moe was able to behave neatly. 

A few days later, there was no reason for the package to come, but someone sent it to Moe with a name I had never seen before. It was a jar containing two bottles of honey. The letter said honey, which is good for magic training. It was clear from the scent and writing that it was acacia honey mixed with morning dew. I felt warmed by their goodness.

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